As Jay birthday was today and mine is Sunday...we have no real plans but running the hash and waiting for our vacation to the south next week. One thing we have both learned while living in Taiwan is that no question that people ask is an inappropriate question. A lot of things people ask here would really looked stragely upon if you asked them back home...Such as how old are you? Perfectly normal to ask someone when you first meet them...other questions that go along with a first meeting are..... How much did you pay for that? Or How much do you get paid? If someone asked that back home it would be considered rude....I don't think they are trying to be rude they are just trying to get to know you and that is how they do it. Also they ask Whats your zodiac sign? I know most of us might read our horoscope for the week of that day and maybe thing "Wow that sounds like me" But here it is not just something that is printed in the daily newspaper it is religiously thought about. They really go by that and sometimes when people meet you they might say " Oh your an aquarius aren't you...I can tell" Something about people's personalities gives away their zodiac sign. Another question you might hear is "Whats your blood type?" I haven;t figured out why it is important to know that ...besides if you are giving blood.... Again it probably labels your personality some how.
Jay's Birthday was nice... I gave him a nice Swatch watch...which I hope was a surprised,.....because getting it involved me having to drive my scooter into the night market..... which I can't even explain the caos that it involves. We went out for a nice lunch...I got my hair done for my birthday a little early and another part of Jay's present was him getting to go to the gym and work out without me hasseling him about the proper way to lift weights. going to the gym has become a daily ritual that I thoroughly enjoy. I have never been this strong in my life and Jay doesn;t look half bad himself.... After teaching the little kiddies we went to the local bakery and bought Jay the piece of cake of his choice and did the birthday thing. It was a little pitiful and I have added pictures for your enjoyment.
Jay's Birthday was nice... I gave him a nice Swatch watch...which I hope was a surprised,.....because getting it involved me having to drive my scooter into the night market..... which I can't even explain the caos that it involves. We went out for a nice lunch...I got my hair done for my birthday a little early and another part of Jay's present was him getting to go to the gym and work out without me hasseling him about the proper way to lift weights. going to the gym has become a daily ritual that I thoroughly enjoy. I have never been this strong in my life and Jay doesn;t look half bad himself.... After teaching the little kiddies we went to the local bakery and bought Jay the piece of cake of his choice and did the birthday thing. It was a little pitiful and I have added pictures for your enjoyment.
So Chinese New Years is coming up...The most important holiday that is celebrated here on this side of the world. ...... Everyone is traveling to see their families.... and everything is closed except of course the 7-11..... Giving red envelopes filled with money is the traditional gift for Chinese New Years. Jay and I are going down to Kenting to the beach to enjoy the wild side and camp for a few days. Can't wait to get out in the sun and relax.......The Hash is tomorrow so expect another blog at the end of this exciting birthday bash weekend.....