Sunday, January 27, 2008

Adventures in the big city...

This weekend Jay and I made a trip up to Taipei to see Daniel Ray (Jay's brother in laws brother) We had a long week of teaching and since there was no Hash this weekend we thought we would get out of the city and take advantage of some of our connections on other parts of the island. Daniel Ray is leaving in a week to go to Boracay, Phillippines, Thailand, and needless to say we were extremely jealous to hear about all of his plans....but Jay and I will have our time soon enough. We went up there Saturday after work.... WE took a 2 hour bus ride into the city. These buses were not messing around. I was in the comforts of basically the largest lazy boy in the world for the ride up. Massaging chairs, my own TV and even service on the bus. After we meet up with Daniel....the night before us consisted of going out for one of Daniel's friends birthdays. We went to a nice jazz bar called Brown Sugar...and enjoyed one very expensive cocktail. Then we headed off to a club called Room 18.... something Jay and I don't do very often but we got in a danced the night away. We had a nice time and meet a lot of cool people. Jay and I decided to leave earlier than Daniel.... but Daniel trustingly gave us his apt key and ID so that we could have the address to get to his very far away apartment. Luckily we got there with no problem but upon trying to open the door, Jay had somehow lost the key....Luckily his roomate was still awake. THe next day consisted of laziness but also a tour of some things I have been really wanting to see in Taiwan. We went to the largest, and most famous temple in all of Taiwan called Longshan Temple (I believe) It was quite crowded sinceChinese New Years is coming up. We walked around and took in the insence and calmness that surrounded the whole temple. THen it was off to snake alley. Something very disturbing in the whole thing. There are no pictures allowed at snake alley because of animal rights and what not. Of course me being an animal lover I was very perterbed by the scene in this market and of course I was able to take pictures. The point of snake alley is mainly to drink blood, venom, and other juices of the snake for certain reasons...I think mainly for sexual stamina and drive and good health. But you can also see turtles, aligators, and of course lots of snakes. I will have to take my dad here when he comes because he is petrified of snakes....and actaully after encountering this alley I am not very fond of snakes as well. I have attatched a video of the experience, the video is cut short because I noticed the sign NO PICTURES and I saw some people coming towards me... but if you have a weak stomach you might not want to hit play on it.
We have one more full week of teaching until Chinese New Years can't wait to go down south and enjoy some beaches. We will write more later.


hbrodell said...

I agree I don't understand the turtle. We caught a snapping turtle from the pond and it di d the same thing even after being cut and boiled. Bill said nurves reacting. Keep writing and be safe.
Love Aunt Holly

Anna said...

Ok, yeah, the turtle is a little scary. Taipei looks awesome! I can not wait to come visit. I am very impressed by the "luxury" bus, def not too shabby. Glad you guys are well. New Years should def be fun. Talk to you soon!

::LYNDSEY:: said...

okay, i got really sad watching those turtles move...

i teach kids about those!
